Quality problems – customer complaints; excessive scrap rates; increased reworking outlay – often only become apparent in the course of an ongoing production series; mostly during or following the start-up phase. In many cases the cause is contamination during the manufacturing process. The sources of such contamination are diverse: insufficiently cleaned primary materials or dirt particles originating during the process such as swarf, ridges or flaked off particles. In such cases use of pre-, interim or post-cleaning can quickly pay off. Different cleaning heads apply depending on the cleaning task. The following pages give a series of examples showing solutions developed by Dr. Escherich for customers in the most diverse industrial sectors. Contact us to discuss your own specific quality problem.
Dr. Escherich has been a premium partner of automotive manufacturers and OEMs for many years in the automotive sector. We are reducing the scrap for you as the manufacturer and improve the quality for your customers.
The installation of dust and particle-free parts is essential, so that electronic assemblies and components continue to function trouble-free. We are accepting this challenge.
Dr. Escherich has developed a series of cleaning systems for cleaning panels or sheets in the printing and converting industry. We are increasing the quality of your products with this and reduce the downtimes of your machines.
Packaging consists of a number of different materials like plastics that are subject to the greatest demands in the visual area. We are the contact for solutions of surface problems.
Electronic devices of telecommunications evolve more and more into multi-functional lifestyle products. We offer custom solutions for quantities in the millions and small batches for cleaning housing components, keyboards, display units, deck stripes, and much more.
Dust-proofing and maximum cleanliness are the requirements of medical engineering. Packaging and sensitive products require special attention.
High quality requirements in the glass processing Industry are to be up standard. Clean surfaces of webs, plates and 3D surfaces are precondition.
Our surface cleaning solutions are as diverse as the quality problems of the processing industry. We eliminate production particles, dusts and electrostatic charges.
Defects in paint result in scrap. We will reduce scrap through efficient cleaning.